Results for 'Franz Anton Cramer'

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    La danse, la métamorphose du corps.Xavier Le Roy, Franz Anton Cramer & Boyan Manchev - 2009 - Rue Descartes 64 (2):96.
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  2. Johannes Scotus Erigena und die Wissenschaft seiner Zeit.Franz Anton Staudenmaier - 1966 - Frankfurt: Minerva G. m. b. H..
  3. Darstellung und Kritik des Hegelschen Systems.Franz Anton Staudenmaier - 1844 - Frankfurt/M.,: Minerva-Verlag.
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    Die Philosophie des Christentums.Franz Anton Staudenmaier - 1966 - Frankfurt/M.,:
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    Grundfragen der antiken Philosophie.Eugen Fink & Franz-Anton Schwarz - 1985 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. Edited by Franz-Anton Schwarz.
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    Existenz und Coexistenz: Grundprobleme der menschlichen Gemeinschaft.Eugen Fink & Franz-Anton Schwarz - 1987 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. Edited by Franz-Anton Schwarz.
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    Natur, Freiheit, Welt: Philosophie der Erziehung.Eugen Fink & Franz-Anton Schwarz - 1992
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    Philosophie des Geistes.Eugen Fink & Franz-Anton Schwarz - 1994
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    Pädagogische Kategorienlehre.Eugen Fink & Franz-Anton Schwarz - 1995 - Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Lesefrüchte.Anton Wesselsky, Franz Oppenheimer & H. Meltger - 1920 - Annalen der Philosophie 2 (1):549-550.
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  11. Kapitel. Denken. Ich glaube nur, was ich sehe : Erkenntnis in Wissenschaft und Glauben / Christina Aus der Au ; Above us only sky? / Franz Kerschbaum ; Naturwissenschaft und Religion : Konflikt oder Kongruenz?Anton Zeilinger - 2018 - In Claudia Schmidt-Hahn (ed.), Transfiguration--glauben, staunen, denken, hoffen. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag.
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    Trinitarische Anthropologie bei Franz Anton Staudenmaier.Peter Hünermann - 1962 - Freiburg,: K. Alber.
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    Die Gotteslehre bei Franz Anton Staudenmaier.Karl Friedrich Reith - 1974 - Bern: Herbert Lang.
    F.A. Staudenmaier (1800-1856), eine der Zentralfiguren der Kath. Tübinger Schule und einer Theologie der lebendigen Auseinandersetzung mit dem dt. Idealismus und der Romantik, hat gerade in der Gotteslehre kirchliche Tradition und Gedankengut seiner Zeit zu vereinen gesucht. Seine Lehre von Gott ist getragen vom Lebensgedanken, der - verknüpft mit dem Gedanken vom absoluten Geist - die dreipersonale Lebenseinheit Gottes gegenüber pantheistischen Tendenzen sichert. Orientierung an und Distanzierung von Hegel kennzeichnen St.s. reifende und reife Theologie, deren Weitschweifigkeit durch diese Arbeit prägnant (...)
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    Verantwortung in einer komplexen Gesellschaft =.Anton Rauscher (ed.) - 2010 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    Der Ruf nach Verantwortung bestimmt zunehmend wissenschaftliche Debatten, bewegt aber auch das Denken der Bürger. Franz-Xaver Kaufmann sieht in der Verantwortung "eine ethische Grundkategorie unseres gegenwärtigen Selbstverständnisses". -/- Freiheit und Verantwortung stehen in einem direkten Verhältnis. So sind die Menschen verantwortlich für die Entscheidungen, die sie treffen, und für deren Folgen. Allerdings sind die Handlungsketten in der modernen Gesellschaft komplexer geworden. Wer trägt welche Verantwortung für welche Handlungsbereiche? Versuche, die Verantwortung auf gesellschaftliche Organisationen abzuwälzen, sind keine Lösung. Jeder Einzelne, (...)
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  15. Geist und Natur bei Franz Anton Staudenmaier.Toni Rusche - 1940 - Emsdetten,:
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    Franz Anton Staudenmaier. Early Essays and Reviews (1828–1834). [REVIEW]Werner Beierwaltes - 1977 - Philosophy and History 10 (1):7-10.
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    August Bernhard Hasler: Pius IX , Päpstliche Unfehlbarkeit und 1. Vatikanisches Konzil. Dogmatisierung und Durchsetzung einer Ideologie, 2 Bde. Anton Hiersemann-Verlag Stuttgart 1977, 400 u. 226 pp. [REVIEW]Georg Franz-Willing & Hans-Joachim Schoeps - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 30 (4):382-384.
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    J. G. Fichtes kritische Lektüre von Franz Anton Mesmers „Allgemeine Erläuterungen über den Magnetismus und den Somnambulismus“ als Ausgangspunkt für eigene naturphilosophischen Überlegungen.Hans Georg von Manz - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 43:239-254.
    J. G. Fichte’s »Tagebuch über den [animalischen] Magnetismus« [»Diary of the [animal] Magnetism«] from 1813 consists largely of excerpts and comments on reports from patients who have been treated with applications of animal magnetism. As part of the preparations for the critical edition of Fichte’s „Tagebuch über den Magnetismus“ the central text on which Fichte founded his further philosophical considerations could be identified: It is Franz Anton Mesmer’s „Allgemeine Erläuterungen über den Magnetismus und den Somnambulismus. Als vorläufige Einleitung (...)
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    Una apromimación al estudio de lo imaginario en la Ilustración: el caso de Franz Antón Mesmer (1734-1815).Lucas Risoto de Mesa - 2012 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 4 (1):74-83.
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    Vom Gegenstand zum Sein, von Meinong zu Weber.Francè Veber & Anton Terstenjak (eds.) - 1972 - München,: R. Trofenik.
    Terstenjak, A. Franz Webers philosophisches Gedankengut im Umriss.--Wolf, K. Franz Veber und Graz.--Ilc, M. Näheres zur Verdinglichung und Veranschaulichung in Webers Wirtlichkeitsfrage.--Pirjevec, D. Franz Webers ästhetisches Denken.--Urbančič, I. Philosophische Grundanschauungen bei Franz Weber.--Trofenik, R. Franz Weber.--Weber, F. Meine Beziehungen zu Meinong.--Weber, F. Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Persönlichkeit.--Weber, F. Die Frage der Wirklichkeit.
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    Tracing Trinity in Tradition: The Achievement of Franz Anton Staudenmaier.Bradford E. Hinze - 2001 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 8 (1):34-57.
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  22. Totengespräch zwischen Franz Joseph Haydn aus Rohrau und Anton Friedrich Wilhelm von Webern aus Wien in der musikalischen Unterwelt.Andreas Dorschel - 2010 - In Andreas Dorschel & Federico Celestini (eds.), Arbeit am Kanon: Ästhetische Studien zur Musik von Haydn bis Webern. Universal Edition. pp. 9-15.
    In the spirit of Fontenelle's "Dialogues des morts", Dorschel stages an imaginary conversation between 18th century composer Joseph Haydn and 20th century composer Anton von Webern. In the section of Hades reserved for composers, they confront their different musical poetics.
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    Sign and Language in Anton Marty: before and after Brentano.Hélène Leblanc - 2021 - In Arnaud Dewalque, Charlotte Gauvry & Sébastien Richard (eds.), Philosophy of Language in the Brentano School: Reassessing the Brentanian Legacy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 119-140.
    On the basis of Anton Marty’s 1867 Preisschrift, this article offers a reconstruction of the semiotic and linguistic investigations the Swiss philosopher develops just before becoming a student of Brentano. The paper then compares this account with the view on signs that will be given in Marty’s later work, as well as within the Austro-German tradition.
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  24. Einleitung zu Anton Marty, "Elemente der deskriptiven Psychologie".Johann Christian Marek & Barry Smith - 1987 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 21 (53-54):33-47.
    This essay is an introduction to a lecture course "Elements of Descriptive Psychology" delivered by Anton Marty in around 1903/04. Marty offered courses on descriptive psychology at regular intervals in the course of his career at the University of Prague. The content of these courses follows closely the ideas of Marty’s teacher Franz Brentano, though with some interesting divergences and extrapolations. The present work is a historical and systematic introduction to an extract from notes taken of Marty’s lecture, (...)
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    Aristoteles' Renaissance: zur Rezeption der aristotelischen Seelenkonzeption Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bei Franz Brentano und Anton Bullinger.Janina Drucks - 2016 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  26. La teoria del giudizio di Franz Brentano e Anton Marty: giudizi tetici e giudizi doppi.Roberto Poli - 1998 - Epistemologia 21 (1):41-60.
  27.  14
    The dissemination of mesmerism in Germany (1784–1815): Some patterns of the circulation of knowledge.Claire Gantet - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (4):762-778.
    Franz Anton Mesmer (1734–1815), a physician who graduated from the University of Vienna, invented a therapy based on the concept of a universal fluid, similar to electricity, that flowed through all living things. By restoring the circulation of this fluid in the nerves of human bodies, he believed he could cure illness without resorting to medication. Few medical theories have enjoyed as great success as Mesmer's, first among French high society and then in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, (...)
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    (1 other version)Franz Brentano’s Philosophy After One Hundred Years: From History of Philosophy to Reism.Denis Fisette, Guillaume Fréchette & Hynek Janoušek (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    This volume brings together contributions that explore the philosophy of Franz Brentano. It looks at his work both critically and in the context of contemporary philosophy. For instance, Brentano influenced the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, the theory of objects of Alexius Meinong, the early development of the Gestalt theory, the philosophy of language of Anton Marty, the works of Carl Stumpf in the psychology of tone, and many others. Readers will also learn the contributions of Brentano's work to (...)
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    Anton Marty: From Mind to Language.Hamid Taieb & Guillaume Fréchette - 2017 - In Hamid Taieb & Guillaume Fréchette (eds.), Mind and Language – On the Philosophy of Anton Marty. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1-20.
    As a Swiss-born Austro-German philosopher who taught in Czernowitz and in Prague, Marty was not only a cosmopolitan thinker; he had also an exceptional knowledge of the history of philosophy and well-informed inclinations towards specific branches of the discipline. He was influenced by Aristotle, the Scholastics, and early modern philosophers (both rationalists and empiricists), and was unsympathetic towards Kant and German Idealism. Yet his main intellectual inspiration came from his master Franz Brentano, whose conception of philosophy as a science—especially (...)
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    Die intentionalitätstheorie Anton martys.Arkadiusz Chrudzimski - 2001 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 62 (1):175-214.
    The point of departure for Anton Marty's theory of intentionality is Franz Brentano's ontology of intentionality as outlined in the unpublished manuscript of his logic-lectures from the second half of the 1880's. This rich ontology comprises immanent objects, immanent propositional contents and states of affairs. The late Marty rejects all immanent entities in Brentano's sense and explains intentionality in terms of counterfactualconditionals.However,contraryto the late Brentano,he insists on the indispensability of the category of states of affairs. Consequently Marty can (...)
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  31. The Road to ideelle Verähnlichung. Anton Marty’s Conception of Intentionality in the Light of its Brentanian Background.Laurent Cesalli & Hamid Taieb - 2012 - Quaestio 12:171-232.
    Anton Marty (1847-1914) is known to be the most faithful pupil of Franz Brentano. As a matter of fact, most of his philosophical ideas find their source in the works of his master. Yet, the faithfulness of Marty is not constant. As the rich correspondence between the two thinkers shows, Marty elaborates an original theory of intentionality from ca. 1904 onward. This theory is based on the idea that intentionality is a process of mental assimilation (ideelle Verähnlichung), a (...)
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    Philosophy of language and other matters in the work of Anton Marty: analysis and translations.Robin D. Rollinger (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Rodopi.
    One of the most important students of Franz Brentano was Anton Marty, who made it his task to develop a philosophy of language on the basis of Brentano’s analysis of mind. It is most unfortunate that Marty does not receive the attention he deserves, primarily due to his detailed and distracting polemics. In the analysis presented here his philosophy of language and other aspects of his thought, such as his ontology , are examined first and foremost in their (...)
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    Mind and Language – On the Philosophy of Anton Marty.Hamid Taieb & Guillaume Fréchette (eds.) - 2017 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Anton Marty (Schwyz, 1847–Prague, 1914) contributed significantly to some of the central themes of Austrian philosophy. This collection contributes to assessing the specificity of his theses in relation with other Austrian philosophers. Although strongly inspired by his master, Franz Brentano, Marty developed his own theory of intentionality, understood as a sui generis relation of similarity. Moreover, he established a comprehensive philosophy of language, or "semasiology", based on descriptive psychology, and in which the utterer’s meaning plays a central role, (...)
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    Lenguaje, forma interna Y existencia: La filosofía Del lenguaje de Anton Marty.Luis Niel - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 13:127.
    El artículo analiza ciertos temas centrales de la filosofía del lenguaje de Anton Marty: primero, su teoría genética del origen casual del lenguaje; segundo, su descripción de los componentes mereológicos y semánticos del lenguaje, en particular del concepto de forma inter-na; tercero, su crítica del juicio categórico, basada en sus análisis de las oraciones impersonales y existenciales; cuarto, la importancia del concepto de existencia para aclarar problemas ontológicos. El trabajo hace además hincapié en señalar las conexiones entre su pensamiento (...)
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    The astrological roots of mesmerism.Simon Schaffer - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (2):158-168.
    Franz Anton Mesmer’s 1766 thesis on the influence of the planets on the human body, in which he first publicly presented his account of the harmonic forces at work in the microcosm, was substantially copied from the London physician Richard Mead’s early eighteenth-century tract on solar and lunar effects on the body. The relation between the two texts poses intriguing problems for the historiography of medical astrology: Mesmer’s use of Mead has been taken as a sign of the (...)
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  36. Mesmer in a Mountain Bar: Anthropological Difference, Butts, and Mesmerism in An Intimate Relation. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science.G. Wolters - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 116:259-282.
    This article gives an overview of Mesmer's theory.
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    Making the Humanities Scientific: Brentano’s Project of Philosophy as Science.Carlo Ierna - 2014 - In Rens Bod, Jaap Maat & Thijs Weststeijn (eds.), The Making of the Humanities. Volume III: The Making of the Modern Humanities. Amsterdam University Press. pp. 543-554.
    On July 14, 1866 Franz Brentano stepped up to the pulpit to defend his thesis that “the true method of philosophy is none other than that of the natural sciences”. This thesis bound his first students to him and became the north star of his school, against the complex background of the progress and specialization of the natural sciences as well as the growth and professionalization of universities. I will discuss the project of the renewal of philosophy as science (...)
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    Animal Magnetism and Psychic Sciences, 1784-1935: The Rediscovery of a Lost Continent.Silvia Mancini & Juliet Vale - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (190):94-101.
    In the spring of 1784 the Marquis of Puységur, a great landowner and colonel in an artillery regiment, was called to the bedside of Victor, the son of his steward, who was suffering from pneumonia. Puységur was a follower of the new holistic medicine taught in an atmosphere of intense enthusiasm and scandal by Franz-Anton Mesmer, an Austrian doctor who had been living in Paris for several years. As a disciple of Mesmer, he intended to direct his ‘vital (...)
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  39. A Paleo-Criticism of Modes of Being: Brentano and Marty against Bolzano, Husserl, and Meinong.Hamid Taieb - 2020 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7.
    Brentanians defend the view that there are distinct types of object, but that this does not entail the admission of different modes of being. The most general distinction among objects is the one between realia, which are causally efficacious, and irrealia, which are causally inert. As for being, which is equated with existence, it is understood in terms of “correct acknowledgeability.” This view was defended for some time by Brentano himself and then by his student Anton Marty. Their position (...)
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  40. Sachverhalte, Objekte und Supervenienz. Brentano, Marty und Meinong.Arkadiusz Chrudzimski - 2006 - Brentano Studien 12:99-119.
    Die offizielle Urteilstheorie Brentanos war eine nicht-propositionale Theorie. Die These, dass man, um die in einem Urteilsakt involvierten intentionalen Beziehungen zu erklären, keine propositionalen Entitäten einführen muss, war in der Tat eine seiner interessantesten Ideen. Brentano hat aber im Laufe seiner Lehrtätigkeit sehr viele neue Wege ausprobiert und so finden wir in seinen Vorlesungen aus den späten achtziger Jahren auch eine Urteilstheorie, die jedem Urteilsakt eine propositionale Entität zuordnet. Gerade diese Lehre war für Brentanos Studenten besonders inspirierend. Vor allem (...) Marty und Carl Stumpf haben sehr interessante Theorien von solchen, wie sie es nannten, Inhalten entwickelt. 1888 hat Stumpf in seinen Vorle¬sun¬gen für der¬ar¬tige Entitäten den Ausdruck „Sachverhalt” ein¬geführt. Da sich vor allem diese Bezeichnung als terminus technicus durchgesetzt hat, werden wir sie in diesem Aufsatz auch in Bezug auf diejenigen Philosophen verwenden, die ihre propo¬sitionalen Entitäte anders nannten. Unter den treuen Brentanisten war es Anton Marty, der am konsequentesten an der Unentbehrlichkeit solcher Sachverhalte als Wahrmacher für richtige Urteile bestand. Seine Theorie hat jedoch einen etwas merkwürdigen Charakter. Die Sachverhalte werden einerseits als unverzichtbare Elemente des ontologischen Mobiliars angesehen, andererseits finden wir aber bei Marty eine deutliche Tendenz, sie als Strukturen zu interpretieren, die auf den Dingen (der nominalen Form), wie man es heutzutage gerne sagt, supervenieren. Der Sinn, in dem sie dann noch als unreduzierbar zu bezeichnen sind, ist nicht einfach zu eruieren. Der Philosoph, der sich von diesem, an sich sehr attraktiven, Supervenienz¬gedanken endgültig verabschiedet hat, war Alexius Meinong. Wir besprechen die Hauptpunkte seiner Kritik, untersuchen mögliche Auswege und versuchen die innere Spannung Martys Sachverhaltsbegriffs zwischen der Supervenienz und Unreduzierbarkeit ein wenig zu klären. (shrink)
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  41. Kafka and Brentano: A Study in Descriptive Psychology.Barry Smith - 1981 - In Structure and Gestalt: Philosophy and Literature in Austria-Hungary and Her Successor States. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 113-144.
    There is a narrow thread in the vast literature on Kafka which pertains to Kafka’s knowledge of philosophy, and more precisely to Kafka’s use in his fictional writings of some of the main ideas of Franz Brentano. Kafka attended courses in philosophy at the Charles University given by Brentano’s students Anton Marty and Christian von Ehrenfels, and was for several years a member of a discussion-group organized by orthodox adherents of the Brentanian philosophy in Prague. The present essay (...)
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    Mesmerism and the American Cure of Souls. [REVIEW]William B. Thompson - 1985 - Idealistic Studies 15 (1):74-75.
    This book does not contain philosophical arguments, but is rich in material for philosophical reflection. In this small volume Professor Fuller traces the evolution of an idea deriving from the Viennese physician, Franz Anton Mesmer, through nineteenth-century American popular culture. What began with Mesmer as a thoroughly materialistic and antitheological theory of medical healing ended the century in America as a dualistic theory with the New Thought movement emphasizing the spiritual powers of the mind to control matter. How (...)
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  43. The Unity of the Brentano School.Arnaud Dewalque - 2017 - In Uriah Kriegel (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 236-248.
    Franz Brentano’s works are not just full of deep and innovative insights into mind, world and values. His views also turned out to be highly influential upon several generations of students, who made them the basis of their own philosophical investigations, giving rise to what is known as the Brentano School (Albertazzi et al. 1996; Fisette & Fréchette 2007). In this chapter, I give a bird’s eye view of the Brentano School from a rather historical perspective. My leading hypothesis (...)
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    Husserl’s Position in the School of Brentano.Robin D. Rollinger - 1999 - Springer.
    Phenomenology, according to Husserl, is meant to be philosophy as rigorous science. It was Franz Brentano who inspired him to pursue the ideal of scientific philosophy. Though Husserl began his philosophical career as an orthodox disciple of Brentano, he eventually began to have doubts about this orientation. The Logische Unterschungen is the result of such doubts. Especially after the publication of that work, he became increasingly convinced that, in the interests of scientific philosophy, he had to go in a (...)
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    Towards a New Brentanian Theory of Judgment.Giuliano Bacigalupo - 2018 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 95 (2):245-264.
    _ Source: _Volume 95, Issue 2, pp 245 - 264 In the last few decades, the interest in Brentano’s philosophical psychology, especially in his theory of judgment, has been steadily growing. What, however, has remained relatively unexplored are the modifications that have been introduced over the years into this theory by Brentano himself and by his student Anton Marty. These amendments constitute the focus of the present paper. As will be argued, only by making such changes can the weaknesses (...)
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  46. Marty on Truth-Making.Arkadiusz Chrudzimski - 2014 - In Laurent Cesalli & Janette Friedrich (eds.), Anton Marty, Karl Bühler. Between Mind and Language. Schwabe. pp. 201-234.
  47. Psychosomatic Medicine.Franz Alexander - 1953 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4 (15):260-262.
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    Ethics and Religion in Hegel. Or on how reason speaks differently than it thinks.Anton Adamut - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (28):176-198.
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Hegel is often considered as obscure author. This means that for him, reason speaks differently than it thinks. It is at stake, first of all, the Hegelian terminology and the invocation of Heraclitus. It is interesting that Hegel himself had spoken out against an obscure terminology and against the abuse (...)
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  49. The Organization of the Corpus Platonicum in Antiquity.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1965 - Hermes 93 (1):34-46.
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  50. The history of the concept of life: a game of mind.Franz Wuketits - 1995 - Ludus Vitalis 3:39-50.
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